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Pride Month Resources

June is Pride Month, honoring the 1969 Stonewall Uprising. In this guide you will find information on legal resources related to LGBTQ issues, as well as upcoming events in San Francisco. Happy Pride Month!

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New Guide on Conservatorship

Conservatorship IntroA conservatorship is a court process where the court appoints a conservator (either an individual or an organization) to manage the care or finances for an adult who becomes unable to make their own health care or financial decisions (the conservatee). A conservatorship can be avoided by having a durable power of attorney in place before a health crisis occurs, but because of COVID-19, many people have needed to have a conservator appointed by the court. The resources in this new quick guide are relevant for conservatorships of the estate (management of financial affairs) and conservatorships of the person (management of health care and other life decisions). It does not cover Lanterman-Petris-Short conservatorships, which are for mentally ill adults.

Please contact the Law Library if you need further information: sfll.reference@sfgov.org. Also, visit our website for links to all of our legal WFH options and our Covid-19 Quick Guides.

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New Guide on Protests

What are your rights when it comes to protesting? Our newest COVID-19 Quick Guide, Protests and the Law, contains information and links to resources that can help you get started with your research on this topic. As these resources suggest, this is not always a question with an easy answer, but we hope this is a place to start.

Please contact the Law Library if you need further information: sfll.reference@sfgov.org. Also, visit our website for links to all of our legal WFH options and our Covid-19 Quick Guides.

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New Free COVID-19 Law Book

One of the secondary effects of the coronavirus pandemic has been the various legal issues raised by the new challenges to the social, political, and economic arenas of society. In hopes of providing guidance for approaching these pressing legal issues, and with a view to the legal challenges ahead, the faculty of Columbia Law School and several law professors from other schools have joined together to produce Law in the Time of COVID-19. This new publication identifies several of the critical legal questions raised by the pandemic, ranging from the rights of prison inmates to elections, while offering guidance in how to think about these issues, both for the many people affected as well as for legislators and policy makers.

Not only does this title present you with fresh perspectives on these matters, but it is also offered as a free download: https://scholarship.law.columbia.edu/books/240/.